My name is Areg Azizyan and I am from Armenia. I graduated from the
Armenian State University of Economics in 2008 and have a master`s degree in
Business Organisation.
Then I started to
work at the Armenian National Statistical Service as a surveyor-statistician.
My team and I did many projects like Population and Agriculture Censuses.
During my work I have socialized with some poor layers of society which
extremely impact on my outlook. From this point of view I always try to take
part in projects
concerning the question
how to make life easier and safer. The deeper I go in such problems the more it
becomes clear to me that in today’s world our society has lack of
such projects which could be contributed
towards making life better. So, for me EVS, first of all, is an opportunity to
make my own contribution in this process. Also, I hope to make good friends, to
get lots of positive emotions.
As for my hobbies I will mention the follows: swimming, reading,
cooking and listening to music. But there is something which turned out to be
my passion and it is more than just a hobby for me. It is footwear-design.
Being a shoemaker`s son I grew up with
the smell of leather, glue and the process of shoem
aking in front of my eyes.
Eventually, I ended up with making shoes by myself. With inner talent combined
with the crucial skills I have learnt from my father made me the designer and
producer of my own shoes, belts, wallets and even clothes. Anything could
become a source of inspiration for me – an old pair of jeans, used leather
coats and bags. During these last 10 years I have been working hard developing
and experimenting with new materials and technics. Nearly all my free time I
spend on either sketching or making shoes or accessories.

So during my EVS in Wroclaw I would like to make a project connected
with design of shoes, bags, wallets, belts and clothes. This project will
include an ecological and economical element in it. I will show how used
materials, like an old pair of jeans or leather jacket, can be transformed into
various things such as shoes, slippers, bags, bracelets etc... The message of
this project will be the idea that there are lots of materials around us which
we can use as a source for making useful and nice things instead of throw them
away and polluting the environment. It will show what means recycling and why
it is important in today`s world. Especially, I would like to work with the
children aged 12 and above since I believe child`s comprehension is the
strongest at this age. From this point of view, I consider their minds to be a
blank sheet which are waiting to be filled. Moreover, it will develop their
creativity and maybe some of them will decide to become a designer in future.
I think taking part in this program will be beneficial in many ways.
Since I have never been to Europe, it is a great chance to socialize with
people who speak other languages and have different mentalities, to get
familiar with foreign culture. Beside it, working as a volunteer I will be able
to improve my language, communicative and team building skills. Moreover, I
will try to convey my knowledge, practice and my own culture to that society.
Also I am eager to learn Polish, since I do believe it is not said at random
“to learn another language is to possess a second soul”. Eventually, I just
want to see the world and broaden my mind.
Best Leather Glue