New volonteer in MLC team .. from France!
Hi !
My name is Margaux, I am 23. I was born next to Lyon in France but I live in Lille, in the North. It is a dynamic city with a lot of Students. I have a degree of communication but I would like to work with young peoples who have social problems or economic disadvantages.I did a civic service in which I work with mentally disabled people and I have also diploma to do animation with children.I like to live new experiences for enrich myself personally. This EVS in Poland allow me to meet à lot of European people and this mixture is very interesting. Because diversity is wealth! Also participate to MLC project can makes me feel more confortable in English. I want also to discover Poland culture and trying to learn Polish even if it's really different of French !I am sensitive to ecological problem and I try to contribuate at the protection of environnement. Earth was before Humans so we should respect the laws of Nature.. I have made "wwoofing" in a Farm and I help for bulid a House with ecological materiels.My Hobbies are hiking, swimming, listen to music, writting songs, cinema.. And I like to travel.My Dream is to make a world tour by bicycle and on foot, with my camping tent. I hope I can do that !Finally, I am just simple girl who will try to intergate for 6 months in the lovely city of Wroclaw :)

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